5 foto
32 Rezensionen
fl*************ra - 0
16 Nov 2024
This watch is excellent and includes an extra strap that's very easy to swap. It's comfortable for various wrist sizes, including both large and small ones like mine. The watch face is customizable with different backgrounds, including photos from your phone. The app for syncing is user-friendly and available in Spanish. The battery lasts for several days. The call quality is good {you can answer calls with the watch, but this can be disabled in your phone settings}, and other phone apps function well with it. I'm currently very satisfied; it's been trouble-free, is of good quality, and looks nice. The seller is responsive. The only negative is the delivery took 24 days, although 10 were stated in the listing, but the wait was worthwhile. I'll provide more feedback after further use. I purchased four watches in total: two black and two rose gold. All arrived well-packaged, and I will provide pictures of one of each color.
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sm*********se - 1
19 Oct 2024
This is a very complete watch, I love it, it's fabulous.
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is****er - 2
18 Oct 2024
The watch is inaccurate! It doesn't count steps correctly! The contact feature has errors when syncing phone numbers to the watch. The phone numbers on the watch are incorrect and can't be used to make calls!
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be**********in - 3
07 Oct 2024
The smartwatch matches the product details and was delivered when expected. I haven't tested it yet, so I'll provide more feedback later.
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Black, Gold

Anwendbare Plattformen: Android-Plattform, Apple iOS-Plattform
Kompatible Plattformen: ANDROID, iOS
Anwendbare Personen: Unternehmen, allgemeine Öffentlichkeit, Mode, Erwachsene, ältere Menschen
Bildschirmgröße: 1,7 Zoll
Aussehen Größe: 44*38*10mm
Batteriekapazität: 210 mAh
Tragestil: Handgelenkschlaufe
Bedienungsmethode: Berühren
Schnittstelle: USB 2.0
Funkreichweite: 5 m (inklusive) -10 m (inklusive)
Kommunikationsfunktion: Unterstützung
Armbandmaterial: TPU
Zusätzliche Funktionen: Audio- und Videounterhaltung, Schrittzählung, Anruf, soziale Unterhaltung, intelligente Erinnerung, Selfie mit Fernbedienung, Gesundheitsüberwachung, Informations-Push, Schlafanalyse
Funktion: Herzfrequenzüberwachung
Anwendbares Objekt: allgemein
Farbe: Schwarz, Gold, Silbergrau
Kommunikationstyp: Es kann keine Karte eingesteckt werden

Title 1, HD-Bildschirm wasserdichtes Fitnessarmband mit ...Title 2, HD-Bildschirm wasserdichtes Fitnessarmband mit ...Title 3, HD-Bildschirm wasserdichtes Fitnessarmband mit ...Title 4, HD-Bildschirm wasserdichtes Fitnessarmband mit ...Title 5, HD-Bildschirm wasserdichtes Fitnessarmband mit ...

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32 bewertungen 31 verkauft

HD-Bildschirm wasserdichtes Fitnessarmband mit Herzfrequenz, Blutdruck, Blutsauerstoff und Aktivitätsaufzeichnung.

Lieferung bearbeiten Brazil

Color : Black

silver gray
Auf dem Lager: 610
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Veröffentlicht: 25.11.2024 19:22 Auf dem Lager: 610 92Ansichten

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