18 foto
6 Rezensionen
06 Nov 2024
You must test things multiple times to ensure they look good.
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ma***70 - 1
25 Nov 2024
The snow chains I ordered were size S, which is meant for tires up to 205cm. I was sent the larger size. Because of this, I can't put them on my 195 cm tires. They are too big.
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gd*ch - 2
15 Oct 2024
The chains I ordered were size S, intended for tire sizes up to 205cm. I received the larger size, so I can't use them on my 195 cm tires.
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21 Nov 2024
Received the item within a week! They look and feel good. You need long pliers or something similar, like the claw tool I used, to get the belt around the tire. Once mounted, they hold securely, and a ratchet will be helpful. There's no snow currently, so I can't test them, but they should definitely work if you get stuck in the snow.
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Bewertungen mehr

Kleine Größe, geeignet für Reifenbreite: 165–195

Mittlere Größe, geeignet für Reifenbreite: 205–225
Groß geeignet für Reifenbreite: 235-285

Name: Schneekette
Material: verschleißfester Stahl
Farbe: Kupfer
Einsatzbereich: Eis, Schnee, schlammige Straße

Eigenschaften: glatt und rutschfestTitle 1, Universelle Anti-Rutsch-Schneeketten aus Eisen ...Title 2, Universelle Anti-Rutsch-Schneeketten aus Eisen ...Title 3, Universelle Anti-Rutsch-Schneeketten aus Eisen ...Title 4, Universelle Anti-Rutsch-Schneeketten aus Eisen ...Title 5, Universelle Anti-Rutsch-Schneeketten aus Eisen ...

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6 bewertungen 6 verkauft

Universelle Anti-Rutsch-Schneeketten aus Eisen für Auto, Geländewagen. Verbessern Traktion auf Schnee, Eis und Schlamm. Für mehr Fahrsicherheit.

Lieferung bearbeiten Brazil

Color : Small 1 cross section

Small 1 cross section
Large 1 cross section
Large1 cross section 10pc
Large1 cross section 4pc
Large1 cross section 5pc
Large1 cross section 8pc
Large1 cross section2pc
Large1 cross section3pc
Medium 1 cross section
Medium1 cross section 10pc
Medium1 cross section 2pc
Medium1 cross section 3pc
Medium1 cross section 4pc
Medium1 cross section 5pc
Medium1 cross section 8pc
Small1 cross section 10pc
Small1 cross section 2pc
Small1 cross section 3pc
Small1 cross section 4pc
Small1 cross section 5pc
Small1 cross section 8pc
Auf dem Lager: 522
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Veröffentlicht: 25.11.2024 18:06 Auf dem Lager: 522 13Ansichten

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