Nicht -Markenprodukte, kompatibel mit iPhone -Modellen.
Beliebte Elemente: Internet -Prominente Einfachheit
Stil: INS -Stil, frisch, japanisch und koreanisch, einfach
Stil: Schutzfall
Anwendbare Mobiltelefonmodelle: iPhone 15, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro Max, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPhone 14, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 14 Pro Max, iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 14 Plus, iPhone 12, iPhone 13
Funktion: Wärmeissipation
Schutzhülle Textur: Acryl
Color classification: borderless electroplated shell Magsafe magnetic suction-with tail, with lens film [dark night purple] borderless electroplated shell Magsafe magnetic suction-with tail, with lens film [elegant silver] borderless electroplated shell Magsafe-with tail, with lens film [far peak blue] borderless electroplated shell Magsaf-with tail, with lens film [champagne gold] borderless electroplated shell Magsaf-mit Schwanz
Grafische Details
1 x Telefonhülle