The puzzle is so easy that it's not necessary to pay attention to the piece count. The most interesting format is A5 because it has the same number of pieces as A3, making the A5 version slightly more engaging.
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22 Oct 2024
The puzzle is described as being packaged in a plastic box that has a picture on it. I haven't begun working on it, and I'm hoping it has all the pieces.
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17 Nov 2024
The product is decent, though the pieces are big (A3 size). It was made quickly and arrived well-packaged with a plastic case (rating it a 5). Delivery takes time, as expected for items from China, but it's worth it. I recommend it. I didn't need to contact the seller, so I don't know how they handle issues.
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Bewertungen mehr
Produktinformationen: Material: Holz Produktkategorie: Flugzeugpuzzle Spezifikation: A3 A4 A5 Ob es multifunktional ist: Nein Kann selbst gemacht werden: Ja Verpackungsmethode: weiße Box
Anwendbares Alter: Jugendliche (15–35 Jahre).
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36 bewertungen 34 verkauft
Ungewöhnliches 3D Holzpuzzle mit großen Teilen Dreidimensionales Denkspiel für Erwachsene & Kinder Fördert Kreativität & Logik.