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6 foto
Mainland China

Product Description
Size: 12X13mm (inner diameter 9mm)
Packaging materials: ABS, PP
Operating Temperature: -45 ° C to +80 ° C
Performance parameters
Operating frequency: 125Khz
Reading distance :2-20cm (reader configuration)
Read distance: not less than 2cm
Factory do strict disinfection
Chip Type: EM4001 / TK4100
This chip tag is only work on ordinary ID card reader,
we don\'t accept the so-called incompatibility and can\'t work disputes,pls consider carefully before ordering.
Product Use:
Widely used identification poultry. Breeding poultry breeding, feeding, disease prevention, quarantine of animals, birds, and other information management and its follow-up. Shuo animals and their food source!
The company provides the agricultural sector and its system integrators a variety of foot ring products!
The products are divided into: opening chicken feet ring, the closed chicken feet ring, and their openings closed three products foot ring, so that the product is suitable in various fields, foot ring can be applied to other birds, zoo animals , chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, pigeons, etc., can provide a variety of RFID radio chip products.
Includes 10pcs

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Title 6, 10pcs/lot ABS, PP Electronic RFID Pigeon Bird R...

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10pcs/lot ABS, PP Electronic RFID Pigeon Bird Ring Tag For Tracking With 125KHz ID 4100 Chip Training Supplies

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Veröffentlicht: 23.04.2024 22:07 Auf dem Lager: 999 1.24KAnsichten

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