Using this product is very easy, and the dog won't pull randomly. It can be pulled wherever it is induced, which is much easier. It is still a reliable seller with good technology nowadays.
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21 Oct 2024
The spray works exceptionally well. The dog's obedience makes it a great value. The product's quality is high, and its use is highly satisfying. It's truly excellent. I strongly advise anyone still thinking about buying it to do so.
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07 Oct 2024
The spray is excellent. I no longer have concerns. Because I used this effective product, my dog's behavior has improved, and it no longer urinates inappropriately. I strongly suggest it.
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12 Oct 2024
The puppy arrived three days ago and consistently urinates on the floor, which is frustrating. I purchased this product with a skeptical mindset, sprayed it, and then waited. The result seems to be that the dog, while initially not urinating, smelled the product and instead urinated on the diaper. The outcome was surprisingly good; it was truly amazing!
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Bewertungen mehr
Name: Stuhlganginduktor zur Positionierung von Haustieren Nettoinhalt: 30 ml Haltbarkeit: Drei Jahre Aufbewahrungsmethode: An einem kühlen und trockenen Ort lagern Produktfunktion: Toilettentrainingshilfe
Packliste: Induktor x1St Produktbild:
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17 bewertungen 17 verkauft
Haustier-Defäkations-Induktor Hilfsmittel für das Training Bestimme den Ort der Ausscheidung Deines Haustiers. Einfache Anwendung für sauberes Zuhause.