The razor is perfect, they even sent me the boxed version, I bought the bubble-wrapped version, a nice touch for a customer. The big problem was the shipping in Mexico, from China it took a week, excellent service from the Chinese, but when it arrived in Mexico and was handled by the ampm group it was a disaster. Mexican buyers beware of this terrible shipping company, 🙊🤬
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14 Oct 2024
It fulfills all expectations... the result of the cut is similar to running a razor blade over something, but without the risk of cutting yourself!.
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6 bewertungen 6 verkauft
Aufladbarer Herren-Rasierer mit Duplex-Drei-Klingen-System. Für eine gründliche, hautschonende Rasur. Leistungsstark und langlebig für Ihre tägliche Pflege.