3 foto
195 Reseñas
en**********on - 0
26 Nov 2024
We'll need to accept the weather conditions. The quality of the material seems questionable, appearing thin, and it's necessary to observe if it corrodes. Furthermore, the packaging arrived damaged, and the light tube was not straight.
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19 Oct 2024
Všetko Bolo v poriadku. Odskúšané funkčné. Super.
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he*********os - 2
05 Oct 2024
Very good product. I took a strong cool white lighting to illuminate the face well. It's perfect. Only regret, the finishing caps on the sides don't stay in place well. I may have to glue them...
image - 0
image - 1
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as****in - 3
08 Nov 2024
Very elegant and resembles what's seen on the web.
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Información del producto

Ámbito de aplicación principal: baño, baño, Ingeniería , Decoración , Hotel , Cuarto de baño , Cocina , Tocador , Tocador Espejo , Inodoro , Hotel , Hospital , Vivienda de bajo alquiler

Dimensiones: 55*15*13*5*3 cm/40*15*13*5*3 cm

Fuente de alimentación de luz: Negro 8w 40cm, Negro 12w 55cm, Plata 8w 40cm, Plata 12w 55cm

Color de la luz: luz blanca, luz cálida

Title 1, Espejo Anti-Niebla con Luz Frontal LED y Gabine...Title 2, Espejo Anti-Niebla con Luz Frontal LED y Gabine...Title 3, Espejo Anti-Niebla con Luz Frontal LED y Gabine...Title 4, Espejo Anti-Niebla con Luz Frontal LED y Gabine...Title 5, Espejo Anti-Niebla con Luz Frontal LED y Gabine...Title 6, Espejo Anti-Niebla con Luz Frontal LED y Gabine...

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195 comentarios 136 vendido

Espejo Anti-Niebla con Luz Frontal LED y Gabinete Iluminación. Perfección en Baño. Diseño Moderno y Funcional. Anti-Vaho.

Entrega editar Brazil

Style : Black 8W

Black 8W
Black 12W
Silver 12W
Silver 8W

Model : White light

White light
Warm light
En stock: 539
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Publicado: 25.11.2024 16:00 En stock: 539 520Puntos de vista

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