6 foto
6 Reseñas
02 Oct 2024
wrapped up very well. bit of a delay in shipping due to covid but not sellers fault. can't wait to install.
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05 Oct 2024
They have put on and work properly I don't know how long it will last but they look good, even though the quality weighs almost nothing, there is how long the led lasts looking
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rm*****ki - 2
11 Oct 2024
Perfect, good material and good design.
image - 0
image - 1
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ch********nd - 3
20 Oct 2024
I give a very good note following the good quality of the product even if there was an error on the color of one of the lamps (I ordered three lamps of black colors, I received two black and a white but does not matter),the delivery delay is due to the Coronavirus Thank you I give a very good note following the good quality of the product even if there was an error on the color of one of the lamps (I had ordered three lamp in black colors, I received two black and one white but it's OK) Thank you. The delay in delivery is due to Coronavirus
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Tamaño: diámetro 21 * altura 25 CM
Material: hierro + aluminio + acrílico
Proceso: barniz para hornear, mate
Potencia: 21W

Color de la luz: luz cálida/luz blanca/luz neutra

Estilo: moderno y sencillo.
Lugares aplicables: pasillo, sala de estar, dormitorio, estudio, pasillo, patio, comedor, entrada, balcón, sala de exposiciones, almacén.
Tipo de fuente de luz: luz LED
Forma de sombra: redonda
Tipo de lámpara de techo: lámpara de techo de hierro
Tipo de inteligencia: sin inteligencia
Personas aplicables: el público
Espacio: sala, dormitorio, estudio, comedor, entrada, balcón, local comercial.Title 1, Lámpara de techo sencilla y modernaTitle 2, Lámpara de techo sencilla y modernaTitle 3, Lámpara de techo sencilla y modernaTitle 4, Lámpara de techo sencilla y modernaTitle 5, Lámpara de techo sencilla y moderna

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6 comentarios 6 vendido

Lámpara de techo sencilla y moderna

Entrega editar Brazil

Color : Black A

Black A
Black B
White A
White B

Model : White light

White light
Warm light
En stock: 629
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Publicado: 25.11.2024 16:17 En stock: 629 14Puntos de vista

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