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6 foto
14 Reseñas
th**********hn - 0
07 Oct 2024
The watch is very beautiful, just as it was shown in the advertisement. I am very pleased with it!
image - 0
image - 1
image - 2
image - 3
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ba*******ir - 1
22 Nov 2024
The product is of excellent quality! Delivery was fairly quick, and there were no import duties charged (for the two items purchased).
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19 Nov 2024
The delivery was extremely quick. The clock itself, however, isn't great. The numbers are difficult to see as they don't illuminate properly. I gave it to my son after using it for only an hour.
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18 Oct 2024
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Black, Blue, Yellow

Plataforma aplicable: plataforma Android
Personas aplicables: negocios, público, moda, adultos, ancianos.
Material de la pantalla: polímero acrílico.
Método de uso: pulsera
Idioma del menú: varios idiomas
Funciones adicionales: recuento de pasos, recordatorio inteligente, temporizador automático remoto, envío de información, seguimiento del ejercicio, análisis del sueño
Material de la pulsera: TPU

Title 1, LOKMAT MK22 Smartwatch Monitor de actividad fís...

Title 2, LOKMAT MK22 Smartwatch Monitor de actividad fís...

Title 3, LOKMAT MK22 Smartwatch Monitor de actividad fís...

Title 4, LOKMAT MK22 Smartwatch Monitor de actividad fís...

Title 5, LOKMAT MK22 Smartwatch Monitor de actividad fís...

Title 6, LOKMAT MK22 Smartwatch Monitor de actividad fís...

Title 7, LOKMAT MK22 Smartwatch Monitor de actividad fís...

Title 8, LOKMAT MK22 Smartwatch Monitor de actividad fís...

Title 9, LOKMAT MK22 Smartwatch Monitor de actividad fís...

Title 10, LOKMAT MK22 Smartwatch Monitor de actividad fís...

Title 11, LOKMAT MK22 Smartwatch Monitor de actividad fís...

Title 12, LOKMAT MK22 Smartwatch Monitor de actividad fís...

Title 13, LOKMAT MK22 Smartwatch Monitor de actividad fís...

Title 14, LOKMAT MK22 Smartwatch Monitor de actividad fís...

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14 comentarios 14 vendido

LOKMAT MK22 Smartwatch Monitor de actividad física resistente al agua. Notificaciones, podómetro y seguimiento del sueño para una vida conectada y saludable.

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Color : Blue

En stock: 560
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Publicado: 25.11.2024 19:23 En stock: 560 30Puntos de vista

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