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02 Oct 2024
The product is of good quality and simple to set up. The manual is well-written. Thank you! ;-)
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sh*ag - 1
19 Nov 2024
The camera's motion sensor is very slow and has a short range. If someone walks at a normal pace, the camera activates only after they've already passed by, which is especially true at night. The intruder would have to be very slow or disabled for the camera to capture them. It worked correctly for the first few days, but now it doesn't record much. I bought it based on recommendations from "smart bloggers" who claimed it could connect and download recordings without internet. However, the direct access point feature they described doesn't work. I asked them in writing, and they vaguely said it might be in the settings. The seller confirmed that WiFi is required. So, I had to use one phone to create a WiFi hotspot and connect the camera to it with another phone. Basically, it's better to invest in more advanced equipment. This is a simple, low-quality device.
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ka***********ke - 2
20 Nov 2024
Quality product from a trustworthy seller!!!
image - 0
image - 1
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br***02 - 3
04 Oct 2024
Perfect, excellent.
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Información del producto:

Modelo: C10+
Píxel: 1080P (ppp)
Tipo: Cámara de red
Estilo: Cámara domo
Iluminación mínima: 0,01 (Lux)
Resolución: 1080P
Lente: 3,6 (mm)
Relación señal-ruido:> 60 (db)
Temperatura de trabajo: -10-55 (℃)
Función de alarma: Sí
Material: ABS
Ambiente de uso: interior
Distancia efectiva: 15-30
Longitud focal de la lente: 3,6
Control PTZ: soporte
Monitoreo por computadora: soporte
Distancia de irradiación de la lámpara infrarroja: 15-3

Title 1, Cámara de batería de bajo consumo HD Visión Noc...Title 2, Cámara de batería de bajo consumo HD Visión Noc...Title 3, Cámara de batería de bajo consumo HD Visión Noc...Title 4, Cámara de batería de bajo consumo HD Visión Noc...Title 5, Cámara de batería de bajo consumo HD Visión Noc...

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9 comentarios 9 vendido

Cámara de batería de bajo consumo HD Visión Nocturna Doméstica Control Remoto. Vigilancia segura y fácil para tu hogar, sin cables.

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Publicado: 25.11.2024 19:12 En stock: 532 24Puntos de vista

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