3 foto
3 Reseñas
23 Oct 2024
The product appears to be of good quality and adheres strongly to the handle. However, it is difficult to position correctly. If the placement is not precise, the door handle will require manual assistance to close. Therefore, extreme caution is advised during the application of the sticker.
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10 Nov 2024
It looks good. However, the adapted size is a little smaller than the actual size of the wrist.
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18 Nov 2024
Installation is straightforward. However, the color doesn't align with the pearly white of the specific Tesla Model 3, despite it being a special model. Furthermore, the sizing isn't perfect, as the sticker makes contact with the car's body during reversing. The quality appears acceptable. I anticipate I won't be keeping these for an extended period.
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Material: ABS
Tamaño: 210*30*1,5 (mm)
Color: patrón de fibra de carbono, negro piano, blanco perla

  • Title 1, Embellece las manijas de las puertas de tu coch...
  • Title 2, Embellece las manijas de las puertas de tu coch...
  • Title 3, Embellece las manijas de las puertas de tu coch...
  • Title 4, Embellece las manijas de las puertas de tu coch...
  • Title 5, Embellece las manijas de las puertas de tu coch...
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3 comentarios 3 vendido

Embellece las manijas de las puertas de tu coche con elegantes cubiertas protectoras. Mejora el estilo y protege contra arañazos y desgaste.

Entrega editar Brazil

Color : Carbon fiber

Carbon fiber
Pearl White
Piano black
En stock: 538
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Publicado: 25.11.2024 16:21 En stock: 538 7Puntos de vista

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