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12 Reseñas
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yb**hm - 0
26 Nov 2024
Un conjunto excepcional, altamente recomendado, puedes comprar con confianza, gracias al estimado vendedor y gracias !!!
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la**************er - 1
25 Nov 2024
This stove is very light and functions flawlessly. I purchased it to take the place of my old one, which had started to leak fuel after being used and handled roughly for several years.
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pa*er - 2
19 Nov 2024
This stove is great! While smaller stoves are available, they won't be as stable. This one is also very durable. When brewing cowboy coffee, watch it closely because it boils over easily! I'm willing to sacrifice some pack space for this stove.
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ny*62 - 3
01 Nov 2024
This is, without a doubt, the best thing I've bought this year. It functions flawlessly in any location. I recently brought it along on a hiking and fishing trip with my boyfriend, and it was ideal. Its portability makes it incredibly convenient to carry and use anywhere. I'd rate it a perfect score if possible.
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Información del producto:

Modelo: SZXL-LT-B01
Peso neto: 333g
Número aplicable: 3-5
Tipo de horno: horno de gas
Estructura del horno: integrada
Entorno aplicable: entorno exterior ordinario
Tipo de combustible: butano
Tiempo medio de ebullición: 2 minutos
Especificación (largo * ancho * alto): horno de un solo cabezal - potencia 3500w, horno de tres cabezales - potencia 5800w

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12 comentarios 12 vendido

Estufa de camping portátil a prueba de viento para exteriores, compacta y eficiente. Cocina en cualquier lugar, disfruta de tus comidas al aire libre.

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style : Single burner

Single burner
Three head furnace
En stock: 511
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ID de producto: 212465Publicado: 19.11.2024 14:25 En stock: 511 29 Puntos de vista

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