6 foto
13 Reseñas
Todas las reseñas de clientes de confianza
zi**********ra - 0
03 Nov 2024
This is fantastic. Though it's small, it's impressive. It soaks up water rapidly and dries instantly. It feels like a soft towel, with a successful waffle texture. It's incredibly lightweight, which my washing machine will like. The color is lovely, exactly as pictured. It remains in good condition after washing. I'd prefer a slightly larger size. It's not essential because it dries the body perfectly and quickly, but it doesn't offer a lot of coverage.
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12 Nov 2024
The towels are thin. Unfortunately, they are too thin for me; I like to feel the bulk of a towel, and I imagine that after one use these will be completely wet. Besides, this small towel is very narrow.
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29 Oct 2024
The towels are nice to the touch, they have a slight smell. We'll see what they're like after washing.
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bo*************an - 3
04 Oct 2024
The order was received rapidly and matches the picture perfectly. Thank you.
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Light blue, Light green

Esta toalla de baño 100% algodón está hecha de fibra de algodón natural turco de alta calidad con una excelente superficie con sensación 3D. Con innovación y moda, el producto se siente cálido, las toallas son esponjosas, suaves, dispuestas uniformemente, no irritan la piel, tienen una excelente absorción de agua y pueden proteger mejor la piel. Esta es una toalla de baño de calidad en la vida.
Tejido: tejido 100% algodón
Tamaño: 140x70cm

  • Title 1, Toalla de baño de algodón grande suave y absorb...
  • Title 2, Toalla de baño de algodón grande suave y absorb...
  • Title 3, Toalla de baño de algodón grande suave y absorb...
  • Title 4, Toalla de baño de algodón grande suave y absorb...
  • Title 5, Toalla de baño de algodón grande suave y absorb...
  • Title 6, Toalla de baño de algodón grande suave y absorb...
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13 comentarios 13 vendido

Toalla de baño de algodón grande suave y absorbente ideal para envolverse después de una ducha o un baño relajante.

Entrega editar Brazil

Color : Light blue

Light blue
Light brown
Light green
Light pink
Light yellow
Rubber pink
En stock: 661
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ID de producto: 182924Publicado: 18.11.2024 20:47 En stock: 661 34Puntos de vista

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