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7 Reseñas
13 Oct 2024
This is fantastic, I'm purchasing this color for the fourth time.
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07 Nov 2024
The lip liner's color isn't very intense. It looks like a medium dark grey, not black. The velvet liquid lipstick is a good black color. It dries completely matte and doesn't have any weird smell. It's great. The lip gloss is very opaque and a nice, dark black. However, IT SMELLS TERRIBLE, like cat urine. I'm not sure if I can wear it on my lips because the smell lingers even after an hour on my hand. So, that's a disappointment for me. Also, the lip liner and lip gloss came off easily with a light wipe from a paper towel, while the velvet liquid lipstick is a bit more long-lasting, which is good.
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04 Oct 2024
The lip liner in this set is a solid, medium dusty rose, not a light pink, but I still really like the color. The velvet liquid lipstick is also dusty rose, dries completely matte, and has a subtle vanilla scent, which is great. However, the lip gloss is opaque and has a terrible, cat pee-like smell. The smell lingers even after an hour. This is a disappointment. The lip liner and lip gloss easily come off after a light wipe with a paper towel, while the velvet liquid lipstick is more long-lasting, which is a positive.
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22 Nov 2024
Same as the image.
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Información del producto:
Eficacia: resistente al agua, hidratación duradera, durabilidad duradera, mejora el color de la piel, resiste la decoloración, coloración fácil, mejora el color de la piel, taza antiadherente
Color: Q2304-1 #,Q2304-2 #,Q2304-3 #,Q2304-4 #,q2304-5 #,q2304-6 #,Q2304-7 #,q2304-8 #,q2304-9 #,Q2304-10 #,q2304-11 #,Q2304-12#
Especificaciones: Especificaciones estándar
Serie: serie de labios
Tipo de piel aplicable: Universal

Lista de embalaje:
Traje de delineador de labios*1ser
Imagen del producto:
Title 1, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...Title 2, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...Title 3, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...Title 4, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...Title 5, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...Title 6, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...Title 7, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...Title 8, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...Title 9, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...Title 10, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...Title 11, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...Title 12, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...Title 13, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...Title 14, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...Title 15, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...Title 16, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...Title 17, Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidra...
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Lápiz Labial Mate Sin Manchas en la Taza, Hidratante y Nutritivo, Delineador y Barra Labial Todo en Uno para un Look Impecable.

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Publicado: 16.11.2024 23:45 En stock: 600 18Puntos de vista

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