25 foto
22 Reseñas
05 Nov 2024
This camita is lovely and of good quality. It also functions as a perfect travel bag. It's a spectacular gift, very comfortable and elegant. I would definitely buy it again. It has zippers for easy washing, preventing the pillow and stuffing from getting wet, which is wonderful. It arrived in 3 weeks!
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06 Oct 2024
The product's quality is very good, and it was delivered quickly, within a month of my order. I am very satisfied. I recommend this product.
image - 0
image - 1
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bs**th - 2
18 Oct 2024
The package arrived after a two-week wait and is very attractive and exceptionally comfortable for the baby. I highly recommend this seller, giving them a perfect rating of 5 out of 5.
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de*******on - 3
01 Nov 2024
The nest is quite soft and lengthy, which suits a newborn. I had anticipated it being somewhat firmer. However, it works well on the sofa or bed. It serves its purpose and is very convenient. Delivery was swift.
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Descripción general:
Cuna antipresión, cuida profesionalmente a tu bebé
Aislamiento protector, sueño confortable.
Correa de hombro cruzada ajustable
Dale a los bebés una sensación de seguridad.

Tejido: Tejido de algodón apto para bebés.
Tamaño: 90 × 50
Peso: alrededor de 1,3 kg
Proceso: eliminación completa, limpieza sin preocupaciones.
Relleno: Cama pequeña poliéster relleno de fibra

Especificaciones: cama pequeña + almohada.

Contenido del paquete:

1x cuna

Title 1, Cuna portátil de algodón para bebés recién naci...

Title 2, Cuna portátil de algodón para bebés recién naci...

Title 3, Cuna portátil de algodón para bebés recién naci...

Title 4, Cuna portátil de algodón para bebés recién naci...

Title 5, Cuna portátil de algodón para bebés recién naci...

Title 6, Cuna portátil de algodón para bebés recién naci...

Title 7, Cuna portátil de algodón para bebés recién naci...

Title 8, Cuna portátil de algodón para bebés recién naci...

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22 comentarios 22 vendido

Cuna portátil de algodón para bebés recién nacidos plegable Facilita el sueño seguro y cómodo en cualquier lugar ideal para viajes y casa.

Entrega editar Brazil

Color : Longnecked dragon

Longnecked dragon
Animal World Blue
Animal World Pink
Black white dots
British Crown
Colorful stars
Crown grey
Elephant Blue
Elephant grey
Factory car
Houndstooth grey
Letter Grey
Linger grey
Linger yellow
Pentagram grey
Pink dots
Polar bear
Rhombic yellow
Starry sky Blue
Starry sky pink
Wang Wang
En stock: 525
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Publicado: 23.11.2024 06:17 En stock: 525 53Puntos de vista

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