They came quicker than anticipated, without any smells, and were packaged perfectly. The color is vibrant and the image is clear. The microfiber absorber works effectively. I highly recommend them completely.
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20 Oct 2024
The term "newborn" caused confusion. However, the product specifications explicitly state the weight range is 3-15 kilograms. I also made a mistake, but the word "newborn" should be removed from the product's name.
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Cloth, Others
Información del producto: Material: poliéster Edad aplicable: 6-12 meses, 0-6 meses Personas aplicables: ilimitadas Peso adecuado: 9-14 KG Color: A:1,B:2,C:3,D:4,E:5,F:6,G:7,H:8,I:9,J:10, Especificaciones: Talla única
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73 comentarios 43 vendido
Pañales de bolsillo lavables para bebés. Suaves pañales de tela reutilizables. Ahorra dinero, cuida el planeta y la delicada piel de tu bebé.