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43 Reseñas
20 Oct 2024
Utilized on my Xiaomi scooter to make up for the inefficiency of the stock fire.
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05 Oct 2024
This tail light has a long-lasting battery and many functions. The light itself is well-made, but the wireless remote's quality isn't great; I don't think it's usable in the rain. Luckily, the light functions even without the remote, though the turn signals won't work. The biggest issue is the mounting clip, which feels somewhat weak. I'm concerned it might break with repeated use. Also, the saddle mount screws can't be fully tightened because the nuts spin in the plastic housing, which is slightly too big. It's fine for regular roads, but I wouldn't use it off-road. Despite these issues, it's still a very good product for the price. I definitely recommend it if you want a good (and large) tail light.
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30 Oct 2024
This seller is excellent and the product is perfect. The shipping was very fast.
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17 Oct 2024
This product is excellent; there's nothing further to add.
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Metal, Plastic

Detección: detección de luz ambiental, cuando se enciende en el automóvil durante el día y la noche, se apagará automáticamente
Dos rayos LSER que van al suelo marcarán una zona segura
Optimización de la publicidad visual regular para LED de color rojo
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USB 5 V, computadora FCIL, computadora Porttil, cargador o batería de teléfono Android
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43 comentarios 43 vendido

Luz trasera de bicicleta con láser de advertencia de seguridad de freno que proyecta un patrón de seguridad para una mayor visibilidad y protección en la carretera.

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Style : X5 Brake Version

X5 Brake Version
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Publicado: 21.11.2024 23:23 En stock: 598 122Puntos de vista

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