18 foto
3 Reseñas
vb***ey - 0
26 Nov 2024
The quality of the materials is excellent; the only downside might be that they package it folded, but that's easily fixed.
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02 Nov 2024
Having considered purchasing this item or its more expensive competitor with high shipping fees, I decided to buy this one and am happy with my choice. It arrived in the UK faster than anticipated. Although the packaging was adequate, it was bent to reduce the package size, and the hoop required some reshaping by stretching it. This is the only downside. Due to the misshapen form, you'll need a stick or pole for the initial setup. Aside from this, the quality is excellent, and I would buy it again if needed.
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18 Oct 2024
Good product, it arrived very fast to Mexico
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Metal, Plastic

Información del producto:
Escenario aplicable: movimiento de la fila de la canasta de pies
Categoría: columna de bolas/marco de bolas

Tamaño del producto: diámetro 45 cm.
Material de las redes: todo poliéster.
Aplicable: Sin marco de cesta

Lista de embalaje:
Aro de baloncesto 1 x pieza Imagen del producto:
Title 1, Canasta de baloncesto portátil profesional para...Title 2, Canasta de baloncesto portátil profesional para...Title 3, Canasta de baloncesto portátil profesional para...Title 4, Canasta de baloncesto portátil profesional para...Title 5, Canasta de baloncesto portátil profesional para...Title 6, Canasta de baloncesto portátil profesional para...Title 7, Canasta de baloncesto portátil profesional para...Title 8, Canasta de baloncesto portátil profesional para...Title 9, Canasta de baloncesto portátil profesional para...Title 10, Canasta de baloncesto portátil profesional para...
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3 comentarios 3 vendido

Canasta de baloncesto portátil profesional para interiores y exteriores extraíble. Disfruta del juego en cualquier lugar.

Entrega editar Brazil

Color : Black Rim Net

Black Rim Net
Black White Net
Orange Rim Net
En stock: 682
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Publicado: 22.11.2024 00:04 En stock: 682 8Puntos de vista

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