5 foto
4 Reseñas
kr***********an - 0
06 Nov 2024
This product truly is very helpful. Like others have mentioned, its power to work is surprising. It can noticeably make eye bags and dark circles better. You'll only understand how amazing the outcomes are after using it if you've actually used this product. It has the potential to make your eyes look appealing.
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ma**********og - 1
21 Nov 2024
The eye cream has arrived, and the initial impression is favorable: it feels very fine, is quickly absorbed, and leaves the eyes moisturized after application. Nevertheless, a single use is not sufficient for a thorough assessment and further use is needed to evaluate its effectiveness!
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ky*****st - 2
24 Nov 2024
That's fine.
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sa****18 - 3
16 Nov 2024
I use eye cream gently in the morning to give my eye area a refreshed feeling. After two weeks of use, the wrinkles around my eyes seem to have vanished, and the skin is much smoother. I will keep using it because it's very effective. The ingredients are safe. I highly recommend this product.
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Información del producto:
Especificación: especificaciones estándar
Contenido neto: 20g

Lista de embalaje:
1 crema para ojos.Imagen del producto:
Title 1, Crema de Ojos Nutritiva e Hidratante con Extrac...
Title 2, Crema de Ojos Nutritiva e Hidratante con Extrac...Title 3, Crema de Ojos Nutritiva e Hidratante con Extrac...Title 4, Crema de Ojos Nutritiva e Hidratante con Extrac...Title 5, Crema de Ojos Nutritiva e Hidratante con Extrac...
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4 comentarios 4 vendido

Crema de Ojos Nutritiva e Hidratante con Extracto de Caracol Reduce Arrugas y Ojeras, Hidratación Profunda, para una Mirada Joven y Radiante.

Entrega editar Brazil

Product Specification : 20g

En stock: 503
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Publicado: 22.11.2024 01:43 En stock: 503 13Puntos de vista

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