I appreciate the shoes; they arrived very quickly and I like them very much. I will order the same model again, but in a different color next time. My friend also wants to order some, so good job! Keep going!
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06 Nov 2024
I am grateful. The shoes arrived in under a month. They are quite comfortable, lightweight, and the size is accurate. The craftsmanship is excellent. Thank you to the sellers.
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24 Nov 2024
Although reviews suggest sizing up, I'll need a 39. A 40 is a bit large with thin socks, but works well with thick socks, making it suitable for winter but not the warmer months. Aside from that, the shoe is nice and lightweight. It's a good product.
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14 Oct 2024
Reseñas más
Black, Blue, Grey
Shoe Size
36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46
Cloth, Plastic
Función: Anti-aplastamiento y anti-pinchazo Material: piel de cerdo + fondo de tendón de res Estilo superior: corte bajo Rango de uso: protección de seguridad Material Baotou: puntera de acero.
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20 comentarios 4 vendido
Zapatos de seguridad transpirables y modernos con protección anti-impactos, comodidad y estilo para un trabajo seguro y con clase.