Kaup väga kiirelt käes. Tellisin igaksjuhuks number suurema aga olidki suured. Need jalanõud peab telima oma õige numbri järgi. Minu jalanumber on 38-39. Tellisin 40,kahjuks jäid suureks.Kuid sellest pole midagi,tellin nüüd uued ja õige numbriga. Kaup tuli Eestisse kiirelt ja tossud olid väga mugavad muidu. Aitähh :) The package came really quick, I bought a bigger size but they were bigger. These shoes need to be ordered by their correct size. My foot size is 38-39. I bought 40, sadly they were bigger. But thats not really a problem, I´m going to order new ones with the right number. The package came to Estonia quick and the shoes were very good to wear Im very satisfied Thanks! :D