The good points: The bag is made of genuine leather. The seller shipped the item quickly, and the delivery was also fast. The seller was responsive and quickly resolved a dispute, resulting in a partial refund for the bag's issues. This is why I'm giving it four stars instead of a lower rating. The bad points: The lining is light-colored instead of brown as shown in the seller's photos. The stitching in the most visible areas (on the bag's flap) is crooked and, in some places, missing altogether. The light-colored edge of the lining sticks out along the bag's edge, which I had to fix with a brown marker to hide. The bag also smells musty. My biggest disappointment is the light-colored lining. I specifically chose this color bag because I liked how it looked with the lining, and then I received a surprise! It arrived with a light-colored lining that not only doesn't match the dark bag but will also get dirty easily! This isn't a fancy bag for special occasions; it's an everyday work bag. It will get dirty quickly, and what will I do then? You can't wash leather. Overall, I was very angry at the seller for this misleading situation.