The room is very nice. Delivery to France was very fast, taking less than 15 days. The product was packaged very well: a metal box and a polystyrene box, so there were no issues. The seller is very serious. Thank you very much.
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30 Nov 2024
The product arrived rapidly, reaching Belgium within 20 days. The item is of excellent quality and was meticulously packaged in a premium box. I still need to test it in a car setting and during daylight hours. I recommend this seller.
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04 Nov 2024
The package didn't arrive, however, the payment was refunded.
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Gold, Red, Silver
Matériau du porte-parfum : métal + verre Type : type solide Type de parfum : citron, eau de Cologne, océan Forme du siège de parfum : boule de cristal + double anneau.
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Parfum de voiture avec décoration de siège Profitez d'un parfum frais et d'un design élégant. Parfumez votre véhicule tout en décorant votre siège avec ce produit.