1 photo
6 Commentaires
03 Nov 2024
This item is exactly as described, and I will reorder it if I am satisfied with it.
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17 Nov 2024
This case is very nice and comfortable. Since the phone model is large, the ring makes it easy to hold. I am very happy with it; thank you.
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23 Nov 2024
The color isn't precisely as shown; it leans towards a pink with a hint of orange. However, considering the price, it feels luxurious. Also, it arrived sooner than expected!
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st*****05 - 3
21 Nov 2024
The black and gold color scheme is really appealing. It feels very comfortable to hold, and I have no issues with it.
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Remarque : produits non de marque Apple, compatibles avec les modèles d'iPhone

Produits applicables : iPhone 11, iPhone 8, iPhone 7, iPhone X, iPhone XS, iPhone XR, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone XS Max, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max.
Style: couverture arrière
Matériel: TPU
Style: affaires
Éléments populaires : couleur unie.
Couleur : couleur thé au lait, gris grand-mère, vert nuit foncé, noir classique, violet clair, cyan clair.

Modèles applicables : trou fin IP11 Pro (5,8),trou fin IP11 (6,1),trou fin IP11 Pro max (6,5),trou fin IPX/XS (5,8),trou fin IPXR (6,1),trou fin IPXS Max (6,5). , IP7/8 (4,7) trou fin, IP7/8Plus (5,5) trou fin, IP12 (5,4) grand trou, IP12 (6.1) grand trou, IP12 (6.7) grand trouTitle 1, Coque en silicone originale compatible Apple iP...Title 2, Coque en silicone originale compatible Apple iP...Title 3, Coque en silicone originale compatible Apple iP...Title 4, Coque en silicone originale compatible Apple iP...Title 5, Coque en silicone originale compatible Apple iP...

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6 avis 6 vendu

Coque en silicone originale compatible Apple iPhone 12 12 Pro et 12 mini. Housse de luxe iPhone 11 Pro Max. Protection, design élégant.

Livraison modifier Brazil

Color : Grandma Ash

Grandma Ash
Avocado Green
Classic black
Dark green
Light cyan
Light purple
Milk tea color
Milktea color

Model : IP 11

IP 11
IP 11 pro
IP 11 pro max
IP 12
IP 12 mini
IP 12 por
IP 12 pro
IP 12mini
IP 7 8
IP 7 8 plus
IP xs max
IP11 pro
IP11pro max
IP12 mini
IP12pro max
IP7 8
IP7 8plus
IP7p 8p
IPhone 7 8
IPhonex xs
IPx xs
En stock: 639
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Publié: 24.11.2024 15:04 En stock: 639 14Vues

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