This is a practical kitchen tool with a wooden handle. I'm happy with it. It reminds me of my grandma's peeler – hers was better, of course. Still, it's a good thing that the entire peeler isn't made of plastic. I'm relatively satisfied with how it handles.
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11 Oct 2024
The product was shipped correctly with the payment of the required taxes in Brazil, the "Remessa Conforme". It arrived quickly and well packaged. The product is as advertised.
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16 Oct 2024
The item is very beautiful.
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Metal, Wood
Informations sur le produit : Spécifications : plan droit, plan y Occasions applicables pour les cadeaux : tous les lieux Matériau : Acier inoxydable Style : simplicité moderne
Liste de colisage: Couteau d'office * 1 Image du produit :
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10 avis 10 vendu
Éplucheur en acier inoxydable pour la maison. Pelez facilement fruits et légumes. Confort d'utilisation, durable et résistant à la rouille.