11 photo
7 Commentaires
18 Nov 2024
Very beautiful.
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14 Oct 2024
This is a very nice wig. The length is short for a 30-inch wig, but otherwise, there's nothing to complain about.
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ta********rd - 2
15 Nov 2024
The size doesn’t match. I ordered 28 inches, I received 24.
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zh***he - 3
13 Oct 2024
The hair's texture is pleasant and soft, but it appears less full than expected. I ordered a 20-inch wig with 200% density, but it doesn't look like it. It seems more like 150% density, though it's not terrible. The hair is still nice and soft, and it looks natural, just not long enough. Also, the frontal isn't the advertised 16x6 size. There are no baby hairs, so I had to use my own front hair to create that effect. I'm somewhat disappointed; if I had known, I would have chosen the 13x4 wig and saved money since the 16x6 didn't include baby hairs.
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Black, Brown

Informations sur le produit :
Processus de traitement : mécanisme
Efficacité : naturelle et réaliste
Couleur : noir, marron, or clair, bordeaux, couleur piano, blanc laiteux.
Matériau des cheveux : fibre haute température.
Couleur de peau Applicable: toute couleur de peau
Classification des couleurs : 12 pouces, 14 pouces, 16 pouces, 18 pouces, 20 pouces, 22 pouces, 24 pouces, 26 pouces, 28 pouces, 30 pouces, 32 pouces

Liste de colisage:
Couverture de perruque X1
Image du produit :
Title 1, Perruque Longue Bouclée Lace Frontal 13x4 Couvr...Title 2, Perruque Longue Bouclée Lace Frontal 13x4 Couvr...Title 3, Perruque Longue Bouclée Lace Frontal 13x4 Couvr...Title 4, Perruque Longue Bouclée Lace Frontal 13x4 Couvr...Title 5, Perruque Longue Bouclée Lace Frontal 13x4 Couvr...
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7 avis 7 vendu

Perruque Longue Bouclée Lace Frontal 13x4 Couvre-chef, Cheveux Ondulés Naturels, Confortable et Facile à Poser, Style Tendance, Look Glamour.

Livraison modifier Brazil

Color : Black

Light Gold
Piano Color
Wine Red

Color Classification : 12 Inch

12 Inch
14 Inch
16 Inch
18 Inch
20 Inch
22 Inch
24 Inch
26 Inch
28 Inch
30 Inch
32 Inch
En stock: 600
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Publié: 17.11.2024 10:35 En stock: 600 18Vues

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