Выглядит хорошо, как в ролике. Пока не применяла. Добавлю информацию, когда использую на губах. На данный момент, продавцу спасибо. Дизайн отличный.
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14 Nov 2024
The product fully matches the description. The lipstick is long-lasting. The shade is beautiful. It stays on quite well throughout the day. I am very satisfied with the order. Delivery was also fast. About two weeks to Latvia. It was packed quite well. Although the box itself was a little crumpled. It wouldn't be possible to give it as a gift. But the lipstick itself was not damaged at all. The external design is a work of art. It looks expensive and elegant. I definitely recommend purchasing this product. My rating is 5 stars.
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20 Nov 2024
Pleased, very pretty, thank you.
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08 Oct 2024
Not very high quality.
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Others, Plastic
Informations sur le produit :
Ingrédients : Phosphate de tocophérol de sodium Classification des couleurs : or rose. Effet maquillage : Hydratant, mat, brumeux, facile à colorer Durée de conservation : 3 ans
Liste de colisage:
Rouge à lèvres * 1
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12 avis 12 vendu
Rouge à lèvres One Core Lock pour femmes, cinq couleurs éclatantes, tenue longue durée, pour des lèvres sublimées, un indispensable beauté.