This is the replacement device. The initial device was faulty, and despite attempts to troubleshoot with the seller without success, the seller agreed to send a new device. This one functions correctly. I appreciate the seller's cooperation and assistance in resolving the issue.
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02 Oct 2024
The very intense light pulses create a sensation of heat on the skin and a smell like burnt hair. This is very similar to the effects I've experienced using pulsed light treatments in a clinical aesthetic setting, so I believe this will be effective./The strong light and heat feeling are comparable to those experienced during treatments at a beauty clinic. This leads me to believe that the treatment will be successful.
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25 Nov 2024
The product's quality is exceptional, making a description inadequate. Customer service is commendable, providing consistently rapid and efficient support. While I've made purchases at numerous stores, this one has surpassed my anticipations. HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS!
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Green, Pink, White
Metal, Plastic
Matériel d'épilation au laser Temps d'épilation : 999 999 fois Taille du produit: 16,8 * 11,2 * 7,8 cm Niveau de puissance : 1-8 Fonction principale : épilation Caractéristiques supplémentaires : rajeunissement de la peau / réduction de l'acné
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69 avis 65 vendu
Épilation laser permanente Obtenez une peau lisse et sans poils avec notre appareil professionnel. Résultats durables et sûrs à domicile.