These are excellent shoes. They are among the best you can purchase on AliExpress, especially if you have a small dog, like I do. Having bought and tested all available shoes on AliExpress to find the best, I prioritized water resistance, comfort, softness for the paw, and quality. These shoes meet all those criteria; they are water-resistant, soft, comfortable, and well-made. The stitching is soft and doesn't hurt small paws, unlike many other dog shoes. I've bought them twice and will buy them again. I highly recommend them. Only the two types of shoes shown in the picture are recommended. Other shoes, even if advertised as water-resistant, often aren't, or may look good but have hard stitching that hurts a dog's paw, particularly a small dog's paw. My puppy is 12 years old, and he has worn these shoes, shown in the picture, for all 12 years. Based on this extensive experience, I only recommend the two types of shoes shown – they are the best.