5 foto
3 Recensioni
le************ll - 0
26 Nov 2024
The single button controls four things: it turns the device ON, sets it to AUTO mode, turns it OFF, and adjusts the brightness level, and remembers the setting. The motion sensor functions correctly, but the light sensor's sensitivity is set too high, causing the light to activate even when there's already enough ambient light. The red charging LED is excessively bright, but it's probably not a major concern. The LEDs have a 22 Ohm series resistor, with a maximum ON current of 67mA, a minimum of 8mA, and a quiescent current of 25uA. The battery's actual capacity is significantly less than the advertised 300mAh; it's likely less than half that. It comes with a short microUSB charging cable and two adhesive-backed magnets for easy mounting and dismounting. They are functioning well at present, disregarding the battery's limited capacity. The item arrived promptly, along with other orders. The packaging was good, and it included a retail box.
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Mostra traduzione
al*****42 - 1
07 Oct 2024
The single button controls four actions: turning the device ON, AUTO mode, OFF, and adjusting brightness, and the selected setting is saved. The motion sensor functions well, but its dusk threshold is set too high, causing the light to activate even when there's sufficient ambient light. The red charging LED is excessively bright, though this is a minor concern. The LEDs use a 22 Ohm series resistor, with a maximum ON current of approximately 67mA, a minimum of 8mA, and a quiescent current of 25uA. The battery capacity is significantly less than the advertised 300mAh, likely only reaching half that amount at best. The product includes a short microUSB charging cable and a pair of adhesive magnets for easy attachment and detachment. Despite the battery capacity issue, the devices function well. Delivery took 20 days, which is double the 10-day estimate, though this isn't the seller's responsibility. The product arrived well-packaged in a retail box. The seller is responsive and recommended.
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Mostra traduzione
Electrical outlet

Nome: luce per armadio con rilevamento del movimento
Materiale: guscio in policarbonato
Colore illuminazione: luce bianca 6000K, luce calda 3000K
Dimensioni: 110 mm, 200 mm
Colore guscio: argento (110 mm),nero (200 mm)
Distanza di rilevamento: 0-
Batteria: 300 mAh, 500 mAh

Tre modalità:
1. Modalità di induzione
2. Modalità luminosa sempre attiva
3. Spegnere l'alimentazione
In modalità luminosità sempre attiva, tenere premuto per 2 secondi per regolare la luminosità (5-100%)

Informazioni sul prodotto:
Voltaggio: 5V
Materiale paralume: PC
Stile: moderno e semplice
Colore chiaro: luce bianca, luce calda
Potenza della sorgente luminosa: 110 mm, 200 mm
Distanza di rilevamento:

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3 giudizi 2 venduto

Guardaroba con sensore corporeo e luce notturna LED intelligente per comodino. Illuminazione automatica e confortevole per la tua camera da letto.

Consegna modificare Brazil

Color : Warm


style : 110mm


Electrical outlet : USB

In magazzino: 686
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Pubblicato: 25.11.2024 15:41 In magazzino: 686 9Visualizzazioni

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