These lights dont fit to MB SLK R171, as this model needs the lights with holes for screws (also available on Ali),also the design is completely different, can´t be somehow modified. My mistake, didn´t check before purchase. That´s wehy I am giving 3 stars of 5. However, store service and very fast delivery!
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05 Oct 2024
Informazioni sul prodotto: Potenza: 1,44 Temperatura colore: 6500 Modello di veicolo applicabile: Benz W203 5d, W211, W219, R171 Materiale: PC LED Durata della vita: 50000 Voltaggio: 12
Dimensioni: 67 * 33 * 50 (mm) Numero di perline LED: 18
Lista imballaggio: Luce targa *1 Immagine del prodotto: