The seller made a mistake with my address on two separate occasions. Because of this, there was a chance I wouldn't receive the item. It was an unpleasant experience.
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31 Oct 2024
The package arrived for me.
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23 Oct 2024
That's great! And since it has a camera, it opens automatically when I get near my phone! It's perfect! Thank you!
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A: Staffa wireless versione radio 15-19 B: 15-19 staffe wireless per la navigazione C: vecchia staffa wireless intelligente 09-14 D: Caricabatterie per auto con aggiornamento IG Pro Funzione: ricarica wireless
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Caricatore wireless per auto Ricarica rapida e sicura per il tuo telefono Mantieni il tuo dispositivo carico e pronto all'uso. Installazione semplice e veloce