9 foto
37 Recensioni
ke**********ow - 0
11 Nov 2024
Three good
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la****08 - 1
09 Oct 2024
The truth is quite good, for the price everything is agreed upon and the mouse feels quite light, for me it's a good thing, it arrived on the exact date it said, or at least the minimum it told me was January 2nd and as you can see from the publication date and I ordered it I think in the second week of December so for it to come from China to here and pass customs it was good and just in case the mouse pad looks to be of good quality, quite a length of cable as well (more or less a meter and a bit).
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19 Nov 2024
The product meets the requirements and is excellent.
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sp**********ks - 3
16 Nov 2024
The product is perfect and has a beautiful finish. I was surprised. I bought it on October 25th and it arrived today, November 14th. Congratulations to the seller for the fast delivery. The product was very well packed. I haven't tested it because I bought it as a gift.
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Forma ibrida ergonomica e rotella di scorrimento ultra precisa.

100% nuovo di zecca e di alta qualità

Eccellente sensazione al tatto, maneggevolezza e risposta rapida


Dimensioni scatola da 3 pezzi: 55*15,3*5 cm
Set da 3 pezzi con peso della scatola: 780G
Modalità di illuminazione della tastiera: illuminazione arcobaleno 19 tasti Versione RGB senza conflitti Retroilluminazione multipla RGB
DPI del mouse: 800.1600.2400 3 velocità

Nota: i computer Apple possono essere utilizzati ma non si accendono

Contenuto della confezione:

Tappetino per mouse X 1
Manuale X1

Title 1, Set Tastiera e Mouse Luminosi Kuiying T6RGB Ill...Title 2, Set Tastiera e Mouse Luminosi Kuiying T6RGB Ill...Title 3, Set Tastiera e Mouse Luminosi Kuiying T6RGB Ill...Title 4, Set Tastiera e Mouse Luminosi Kuiying T6RGB Ill...Title 5, Set Tastiera e Mouse Luminosi Kuiying T6RGB Ill...Title 6, Set Tastiera e Mouse Luminosi Kuiying T6RGB Ill...Title 7, Set Tastiera e Mouse Luminosi Kuiying T6RGB Ill...Title 8, Set Tastiera e Mouse Luminosi Kuiying T6RGB Ill...Title 9, Set Tastiera e Mouse Luminosi Kuiying T6RGB Ill...

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37 giudizi 35 venduto

Set Tastiera e Mouse Luminosi Kuiying T6RGB Illuminazione RGB per Gaming Design Ergonomico Prestazioni Superiori Comfort Duraturo Precisione e Controllo Ideale Giocatori

Consegna modificare Brazil

Color : White RGB

White RGB
Black RGB
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Pubblicato: 24.11.2024 13:39 In magazzino: 534 85Visualizzazioni