Отличная куртка, села идеально. Мой размер - M, но я взяла L. Она немного свободная, как я и хотела. Никаких торчащих ниток, швы аккуратные, молнии работают. Единственное, я ожидала, что джинс будет более плотным. В остальном, очень красивая куртка. Пришла значительно раньше обещанного срока.
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25 Oct 2024
This blazer is simply 🤩
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08 Nov 2024
The wash of the jeans is exactly like in the photo. The fabric is nice, it drapes well. The details of the jacket are super charming and well-finished! Buy without fear!
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29 Nov 2024
The leather jacket is incredibly cool, there isn't a single loose thread anywhere, the fit is perfect, and the color is beautiful. Delivery took a couple of weeks. I am very, very pleased and grateful to the seller! Thank you!
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S, M, L, XL
Informazioni sul prodotto: Nome del tessuto: denim Colore: blu denim Composizione tessuto principale: denim Taglia: S, M, L, XL Lunghezza: ordinaria (50 cm
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19 giudizi 19 venduto
Giacca di jeans da donna stile locomotiva, ampio risvolto, maniche lunghe, zip, perfetta per un look casual e alla moda.