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88 Recensies
as*****54 - 0
30 Nov 2024
Wonderful discovery!
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cr***********al - 1
04 Oct 2024
While it won't alter your physical form, it effectively minimizes any imperfections we typically conceal, resulting in a sleek, shapely silhouette, perfect for that form-fitting garment we've all been eager to wear.
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19 Nov 2024
While I did enjoy this item overall, the fit on my legs was not comfortable. I ended up removing it because it felt like it was restricting my circulation. If there had been more room in the leg area, or if the material had matched the top portion, I would have purchased more. However, the fit was too tight. The rest of the product performed as expected.
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ni*********by - 3
21 Oct 2024
Upon receiving the package, I genuinely took out the product and cried. It appeared small. Initially, it was somewhat difficult to put on, but once it was on, I saw and felt the difference. It's incredibly light, feeling as though I'm not wearing a shaper at all. I used to purchase shapers from Walmart, and they consistently dug into my side or rolled down. These do not; they fit well and stay in place, even on my back chub. I urge you to try it; just do it.
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  • Afdeling: Dames
  • 90% nylon, 10% spandex
  • Geïmporteerd
    Trek aan sluiting
    Alleen handwas

  • Seizoen: het hele seizoen

  • Kleur: abrikoos; zwart

  • Title 1, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...
    Title 2, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...
    Title 3, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...
    Title 4, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...
    Title 5, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...
    Title 6, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...
    Title 7, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...
    Title 8, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...
    Title 9, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...

  • Title 10, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...Title 11, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...Title 12, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...Title 13, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...Title 14, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...Title 15, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...Title 16, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...
    Title 17, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...

  • Title 18, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...Title 19, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...Title 20, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...Title 21, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...Title 22, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...Title 23, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...Title 24, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...
    Title 25, Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Lift...

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88 beoordeling 73 verkopen

Hoge Taille Body Shaper Dij Slimmer Billen Liftende Shapewear voor Vrouwen Buik Controle en Figuurcorrigerend

Levering bewerking Brazil

Size : S


Color : Black

Op voorraad: 549
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Gepubliceerd: 28.11.2024 02:48 Op voorraad: 549 190Keer bekeken

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