4 zdjęcie
4 Opinie
jr***el - 0
15 Nov 2024
What I was looking for, with a savings of 15 €.
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10 Oct 2024
Package came to Poland in less than two weeks! Product description in fact isn't perfect. This TV Stick is even better than in seller description!! At first I couldn't mirror screen onto TV, it just flicker one time and back to blue menu in TV. After several tryings I connected thru WEB (dongle to home WiFi, phone to the dongle WiFi hotspot which was made by connecting it to home WiFi). TV Stick update firmware! you have access to dongle settings thru WEB browser in phone and in EZMira you can launch for example YouTube and it works perfect, no lags, no tearing, (my TV is fullHD so can't test 4k),sound is played very well from TVs sound set with amplituner. Great thing is my phone is not laggy when fullHD is played in background, so I can play video on TV and do other things on phone! This TV Stick is a really good stuff when you upgrade firmware and configure it thru WiFi in browser (in instruction check point #3! )
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13 Nov 2024
As description excellent product recommend it Try
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28 Nov 2024
<2en> the product has arrived snaps happening okadar will not get good friends \ 'pay attention sometimes super works sometimes getting stuck.
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Informacje o produkcie:

Typ: kabel HDMI
Typ interfejsu: HDMI
Linia połączenia: telefon komórkowy do bezprzewodowego urządzenia HDMI z tym samym ekranem
Odpowiedni sprzęt: telewizor/wyświetlacz/projektor
Długość drutu: 0,1
Typ konwertera: kabel adaptera telefonu komórkowego

Title 1, Mobilne Wi-Fi Push Treasure 5G Urządzenie z tym...Title 2, Mobilne Wi-Fi Push Treasure 5G Urządzenie z tym...Title 3, Mobilne Wi-Fi Push Treasure 5G Urządzenie z tym...Title 4, Mobilne Wi-Fi Push Treasure 5G Urządzenie z tym...Title 5, Mobilne Wi-Fi Push Treasure 5G Urządzenie z tym...

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Opublikowany: 24.11.2024 13:40 W magazynie: 549 9Wyświetlenia

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