They're like the ones in the picture doesn't change anything. They are comfortable lightweight In a matter of size I wear 38 in shoes from Spain and I ordered 39 and a small pelin in another I buy 40 to make me look perfect but the others all right
Pokaż tłumaczenie
01 Oct 2024
They're from a velvet-like fabric. They're not quality. Far they don't look bad but I don't trust them to last long. They have arrived in a bag without further protection and are wrinkled. They smell like glue. I'm not happy with my purchase.
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Recenzje więcej
Black, Grey, Red
Shoe Size
35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
Plastic, fabric
Informacje o produkcie:
Styl: uliczny
Popularne elementy: Biszkopt z
Kształt palca: Głowa okrągła
Materiał wierzchni: sztuczny PU
Wzór: gładki
Kolor: czerwony, czarny, szary
Informacje o rozmiarze:
Rozmiar: 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
Zobacz więcej
12 opinia 34 sprzedane
Nowe buty studenckie na platformie w stylu dzikim, na rzepy, w koreańskim stylu