This cotton fabric is very thin, which would make it ideal for wear during the summer. The garment has an attractive appearance. However, the fit is small in the arms and chest area, and it doesn’t suit my body shape. Consequently, I plan to give it to someone who is smaller than me.
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13 Oct 2024
The shirt is good and fits a European size M loosely. For a height of 168cm, the sleeves are of a normal length and would probably fit someone a bit taller. The shirt itself isn't long, reaching a bit below the middle of the buttocks. The shoulder is dropped, and there is no label with the fabric composition.
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15 Oct 2024
Nice shirt, good size. Thank you.
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Recenzje więcej
Informacje o produkcie: Wzór: krata Nazwa tkaniny: Poliester Kolor: czarno-różowa krata, błękitna krata, morelowa Rodzaj rękawa: rękaw koszulowy Rozmiar: dowolny rozmiar 40,00 kg-70,00 kg Wersja: luźna Długość rękawa: długi rękaw