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30 Oct 2024
The instructions on how to use it are not very clear, which leaves the buyer with many questions.
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da**********er - 1
03 Nov 2024
Product matches the description, thanks to the seller.
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fe********ne - 2
19 Oct 2024
It functions. While I question its real-world application, given the prevalence of radio signals like WiFi, technically speaking, it performs its intended function.
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31 Oct 2024
I'm happy the item arrived quickly and seems undamaged thanks to the packaging. However, I'm a little let down that it didn't come in the box with a molded insert shown in the product's video and pictures, which would have been perfect for storage. Now I need to buy a separate carrying case, adding to the cost. Does the manufacturer, who remains unknown, send different versions of the product to vendors – some boxed and some not – so that customers like me have to pay extra for a proper box?
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Modelo: K-68
Material: plástico ABS
Tamanho: 138*60*28mm
Capacidade da bateria: 3500ma
Corrente de trabalho: 30ma
Trabalho contínuo: 8 a 10 horas
Tempo de carregamento: 1-2 horas

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6 reviews 6 verkopen

Detector de sinal de câmera portátil para privacidade pessoal. Detecta câmeras espiãs escondidas, protege sua privacidade e segurança, fácil de usar.

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Em estoque: 587
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Publicados: 25.11.2024 15:04 Em estoque: 587 17Visualizações

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