8 foto
4 Avaliações
bo******ey - 0
15 Oct 2024
This crystal lamp is gorgeous, with heavy, perfectly cut crystal and no imperfections. It came with a user manual, instructions, and white cotton gloves for cleaning the crystal without leaving fingerprints. I really love this lamp. I would also like to buy similar or larger lamps for my bedside tables. Thank you to the sellers <3
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04 Nov 2024
The lamps, which I purchased for my bedroom, significantly enhanced its decor. They are made of solid crystal glass, are heavy (approximately 1.5 kg),and have a well-constructed base, giving them a sophisticated and glamorous appearance. The lamps use LEDs, which are suitable for the bedroom. I appreciate the seller, as the delivery took only a week. The lamps came with fabric gloves. I don't understand the purpose in Chinese, but I used them to wipe the crystals after installation, and they cleaned perfectly. This was an excellent purchase, and I recommend them!
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st**********er - 2
05 Oct 2024
The bedrooms were beautifully decorated with it. The crystal, made of solid glass and heavy (approximately 1.5 kg),has a well-made base and appears elegant and glamorous. It has LEDs inside, which are suitable for a bedroom. I'm thankful to the seller, as it arrived within a week. The set included fabric gloves, whose purpose wasn't understood (as the instructions were in Chinese),but they were used after installation to wipe the laminated crystals, which worked perfectly. It was a great purchase.
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18 Oct 2024
It's BEAUTIFUL! Just as advertised. I
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Tipo de fonte de luz: luz LED
Material do corpo da lâmpada: Cobre
Botão tipo interruptor
Dimensões d110*h140 (mm)
Vida útil média 30.000 (h)
Tensão 220v
Locais aplicáveis: Corredores, quartos, corredores, restaurantes, entradas, varandas, quartos de hotel, salas de exposição
Área de irradiação 5㎡ -10㎡
Número de fontes de luz 3
Lustre em linha de peixe em formato de lâmpada

Fonte de luz: luz de duas cores

Lista de embalagem: Luz Led x1

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4 reviews 4 verkopen

Lustre de cristal de cobre para restaurante, design moderno e minimalista com três cabeças, iluminação luxuosa e elegante.

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Publicados: 25.11.2024 16:09 Em estoque: 534 12Visualizações

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