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9 Avaliações
23 Nov 2024
Very good quality, I recommend it, it fits the Amarok.
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15 Nov 2024
The product arrived with a rod that couldn't secure the clutch button, making it impossible to install. I had to buy a replacement rod to install the control. However, other than that, it works perfectly.
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12 Nov 2024
Perfect, just as described and of good quality.
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20 Oct 2024
It looks really cool, as if it came straight from the dealership, it's worth it. The installation was a hassle, I recommend buying it with everything, including the leather sleeve, and not just the knob. Otherwise, I completely recommend the seller, it arrived very quickly.
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Informações do produto:

Material: ABS
Modelo: conduzido
Aplicável a: todas as séries de Volkswagen
Cor: luz vermelha, luz branca

Lista de embalagem:

Alça de engrenagem * 1

Title 1, Indicador LED automático de mudança de marcha V...Title 2, Indicador LED automático de mudança de marcha V...Title 3, Indicador LED automático de mudança de marcha V...Title 4, Indicador LED automático de mudança de marcha V...Title 5, Indicador LED automático de mudança de marcha V...

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9 reviews 9 verkopen

Indicador LED automático de mudança de marcha Velocidade aprimora sua experiência de condução. Visualize a velocidade e troque marchas com precisão e estilo.

Entrega editar Brazil

Color : Red light

Red light
White light

style : With auxiliary line

With auxiliary line
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Publicados: 25.11.2024 17:22 Em estoque: 645 27Visualizações

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