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6 foto
55 Avaliações
il***15 - 0
27 Oct 2024
Works well and is easy to implement.
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28 Nov 2024
Works very well. Some interference sometimes but rather satisfied
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ro**********ne - 2
02 Nov 2024
Works perfectly, very good A+++
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03 Nov 2024
Works perfectly, it remains to be seen how it holds up over time as the plastic doesn't seem very strong.
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Informações do produto:
Tipo de energia: isqueiro do carro MP3
Material: ABS
Tamanho: 1,1 polegadas
Classificação de cores: Q7 Standard Edition 3.1a,Q7 Advanced Edition PD18W,Q7 versão atualizada 4.8A

Lista de embalagem:
1 * Transmissor FM
Imagem do produto:
Title 1, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 2, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 3, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 4, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 5, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 6, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 7, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 8, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 9, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 10, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 11, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 12, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 13, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 14, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 15, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 16, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 17, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...Title 18, Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Tra...
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55 reviews 55 verkopen

Q7 MP3 Player Automotivo Bluetooth Viva-voz Transmissor FM Ouça músicas, atenda chamadas e dirija com segurança e praticidade. Conecte-se facilmente ao seu carro.

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Color : Q7 Standard Version 3.1A

Q7 Standard Version 3.1A
Q7 Upgraded version 4.8A
Q7 Advanced Edition PD18W
Em estoque: 604
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Publicados: 25.11.2024 17:25 Em estoque: 604 150Visualizações

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