7 foto
26 Avaliações
tf**ey - 0
28 Nov 2024
This clay bar comes in a plastic box for easy storage. It seems to perform just as well as clay bars that cost significantly more at local stores. I tested it on my car's hood, and it worked effectively. I used CarPro Ech2O as a lubricant.
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an****34 - 1
21 Oct 2024
The quality is very good. I received it today and tested it. The clay bar is smooth. After I finished washing the car, the clay piece was very contaminated, changing color from blue to navy blue. I recommend it and the seller.
image - 0
image - 1
image - 2
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25 Oct 2024
The product arrived in the condition that was described, and it was delivered more quickly than expected. Now, I need to provide evidence of this.
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11 Oct 2024
The packaging is good, and the quality appears to be as expected.
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Por que barras de argila Marflo?
Na verdade, a barra de argila mágica é o material mais seguro para remover contaminantes.
(Remova excesso de spray, poeira de trilhos, poeira de freio, poluição) das tintas automotivas.
Recomendar: (A média suja são contaminantes)
Venda profunda: >> Use Piont, barra de argila K2
Relativamente sujo: >> Use uma barra de argila K2 fina e média
Sujidade média: >> Use clay bar pesado e K1, K2
Luz suja: >> Use clay bar pesado e K1, K2
Todas as barras de argila mágica MARFLO feitas pela brillatech.

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26 reviews 26 verkopen

Car Cleaning Mud Limpeza automotiva eficaz. Remove sujeira, piche e contaminações. Deixe seu carro brilhando com esta argila de limpeza.

Entrega editar Brazil

Model : Heavy


Weight : 80g

Em estoque: 536
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Publicados: 25.11.2024 16:39 Em estoque: 536 60Visualizações

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