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lr**an - 0
04 Nov 2024
Товар пришел быстро. Но упаковка была очень помята. Сам товар не пострадал. Полностью рабочий. Пришло всё, что было в описании.
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we*************in - 1
29 Oct 2024
While the equipment functioned correctly at first, I wasn't completely happy because the plugs weren't designed to fit European or Brazilian outlets and required modifications.
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as***********hi - 2
05 Oct 2024
The shipment initially had an issue, but the seller quickly sent a replacement. While there was a communication gap with the seller, the package arrived on time and without any problems. I recommend purchasing from them as they seem reliable, although I felt it was important to keep the customer informed about the shipment status to ease any concerns. Ok ok
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ma**********on - 3
04 Oct 2024
The item was shipped only one week after being ordered. Otherwise, it's great. The temperature can be set up to 480 degrees, and the airflow can be set from 1 to 8. The device automatically turns on when the handheld part is removed from the holder. When it's placed in the holder, which has a weak magnet, the device briefly cools down with full airflow and then turns off.
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Tipo: pistola de ar quente com termostato
Temperatura de trabalho: 100°C-450°C
Fluxo de ar: 120 l/min (máximo)
Tipo de energia: alimentação CA
Tensão nominal: 220V/110V
Corrente de trabalho: AC
Potência de entrada nominal: 700W
Decibéis de ruído: menos de 45db
Processamento personalizado: Sim
Comprimento: 150 (mm) (mm)
Altura: 135 (mm)
Peso líquido: 1,66 (KG)Title 1, Ferramenta SMD para reparo de celular com tempe...Title 2, Ferramenta SMD para reparo de celular com tempe...Title 3, Ferramenta SMD para reparo de celular com tempe...Title 4, Ferramenta SMD para reparo de celular com tempe...Title 5, Ferramenta SMD para reparo de celular com tempe...Title 6, Ferramenta SMD para reparo de celular com tempe...Title 7, Ferramenta SMD para reparo de celular com tempe...Title 8, Ferramenta SMD para reparo de celular com tempe...Title 9, Ferramenta SMD para reparo de celular com tempe...

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17 reviews 17 verkopen

Ferramenta SMD para reparo de celular com temperatura controlável

Entrega editar Brazil

Color : Black


Specification : EU220V

Em estoque: 481
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Publicados: 25.11.2024 10:19 Em estoque: 481 45Visualizações

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