5 foto
5 Avaliações
29 Oct 2024
The product matches the seller's pictures accurately. The shipping cost me 55, and it took almost two months! It was very slow, probably not the seller's fault, and I almost filed a dispute due to the long delay. The packaging arrived severely damaged, as shown in the picture, but the product inside was undamaged.
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me****09 - 1
12 Oct 2024
The Head Up Display is great for navigation; the user's baby found it very helpful. The only concerns are slow shipping and a damaged product box. However, there haven't been any issues with the product itself so far. The adhesive seems strong, and additional adhesive stickers are provided, which women might find useful. It's secure enough for thick dashboards, similar to other products. The product seems a bit narrower than expected, barely fitting in some vehicles.
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hy**********en - 2
03 Oct 2024
Order received, perfect goods.
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pr**********hr - 3
20 Oct 2024
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Nome do produto: mandril elástico do clipe do instrumento do suporte do telefone móvel
Material: plástico ABS + PC
Cor: corpo principal preto
Embalagem: caixa colorida
Aplicação: largura ajustável, equipamento de qualquer tamanho
Produção de material ABS, design razoável, fácil de instalar e usar; Rotação de 360 ​​graus do corpo principal, ângulo de inclinação de 60 graus ajustável
Peso: 90g
Tamanho do pacote: 8,5*7,5*11cm
Tamanho da embalagem: 100 peças/caixa, 45,5*44*39cm/caixa, 12kg/caixa

Title 1, Suporte para celular painelTitle 2, Suporte para celular painelTitle 3, Suporte para celular painelTitle 4, Suporte para celular painelTitle 5, Suporte para celular painel

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Publicados: 24.11.2024 14:39 Em estoque: 680 10Visualizações

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