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fa*****ir - 0
03 Nov 2024
When I ordered, I didn't know it would work with a 6-ring binder, which is a good bonus. There's a metric ruler on the other side. The colors in my photo don't look the same as the ones in the seller's picture (due to poor lighting here). The small, round pieces are more like regular paper, and the rectangles feel more like plastic. Both are slightly sticky, making it easy to pick up the rounds.
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04 Oct 2024
Though I initially believed it to be made of paper, this item is actually constructed from a plastic-like material, which is acceptable considering its cost.
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pf***********ny - 2
14 Nov 2024
This seller is highly recommended for their products.
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13 Oct 2024
This product is really nice! I absolutely recommend it! All the sticks are super and it looks top-notch!
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Material: base PP + papel especial
Especificação: régua de folhas soltas/100mm x 110mm
Post-its/15X 45mmX 4 tipos
30X45mmX 1 tipo
20X20mmX 4 tipos
10 folhas de cada tipo/90 folhas no total

Title 1, Blocos de Notas Adesivas PP com Marcadores de Í...Title 2, Blocos de Notas Adesivas PP com Marcadores de Í...Title 3, Blocos de Notas Adesivas PP com Marcadores de Í...Title 4, Blocos de Notas Adesivas PP com Marcadores de Í...Title 5, Blocos de Notas Adesivas PP com Marcadores de Í...Title 6, Blocos de Notas Adesivas PP com Marcadores de Í...Title 7, Blocos de Notas Adesivas PP com Marcadores de Í...

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47 reviews 42 verkopen

Blocos de Notas Adesivas PP com Marcadores de Índice para Organizar, Destacar e Identificar Informações Cruciais de Maneira Eficaz.

Entrega editar Brazil

Style : The mountain has gone

The mountain has gone
Haiyu Twilight
Sunset dust
Em estoque: 665
Peça agora
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Publicados: 24.11.2024 13:40 Em estoque: 665 150Visualizações

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