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21 Nov 2024
The quality is excellent and it arrives very well packaged. The edges are a little warped, but since I have to cut the film so the dimensions fit my window, it's not at all bothersome! I really recommend it! And it's truly opaque! I haven't installed it yet, so I can't say whether the rainbow effect is present, so we'll see.
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09 Nov 2024
The product arrived quickly, even though there's a pandemic. It was packaged well. The adhesive is easy to apply, and there's an instruction manual. I only wish the adhesive was stronger for more privacy, as it's still possible to see the neighbors across KKKKK.
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22 Oct 2024
The foil is exceptionally beautiful, with countless miniature prisms that create a rainbow effect with the incoming light. While I have a window crack that's not worth fixing, the foil effectively conceals it when viewed directly. However, the crack becomes visible when viewed from an angle due to the reflection. Despite this, the foil is of excellent quality, was shipped quickly, and is simple to apply. The application process involves spraying a generous amount of water on both the window and the foil after removing the plastic film, which allows the foil to adhere easily.
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19 Nov 2024
The deadline to order is in a week and a half, and the packaging is quite good.
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Tipo de produto: Película de janela com cola estática a laser 3D
Proteção ambiental: material de PVC, à prova d'água
Cor: branco fosco
Tecnologia: Fosco
Adequado: janelas, portas de correr, superfícies lisas.
Características do filme: à prova d'água, resistente a óleo, resistente a arranhões, sem desbotamento, sem deformação,
Transparente, económico e amigo do ambiente.
Como instalar nosso filme:
1: Meça a janela e marque o tamanho no filme.
2: Limpe bem as janelas.
3: Pulverize muita água na superfície do vidro da janela.
4: Retire a camada protetora na parte de trás do filme, borrife água sobre ela, coloque-a na janela e ajuste-a na posição correta.
5: Raspador de água do centro para a borda.
6: Se necessário, corte as bordas em excesso.

Title 1, Película eletrostática colorida para vidro, sem...Title 2, Película eletrostática colorida para vidro, sem...Title 3, Película eletrostática colorida para vidro, sem...

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22 reviews 21 verkopen

Película eletrostática colorida para vidro, sem cola. Aplicação e remoção fáceis, ideal para decorar janelas sem deixar resíduos.

Entrega editar Brazil

Size : 45X100CM

Em estoque: 600
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Publicados: 18.11.2024 23:45 Em estoque: 600 72Visualizações

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