This superior handcraftet Handmade Turquoise Cute Cat Coin Box is a pure delight as it is artfully made with the utmost enginuety. It is made out of iron and features numerous shiny turqouise and pink colors that blur into each other and make it a manifold experience.
Usually... we and you love to spent money for our cats but in this case, this particular cat helps you to save money and holds on firmly onto the money that you threw into. The densely made iron grid that is shaped as the cats body will not allow humans cats to get grip on coins that have been put in.
You can not only use it as a coinbox and it is purr-fectly made as just a interior decoration good in order to give your home a warm breezy of cute and cozy cat-mosphere. Let your eyes indulge on this mind- and artfully- conceived and made masterpiece and make it your own right meow.