11 foto
7 Avaliações
05 Nov 2024
Venu très rapidement, (10 jours au lieu de 18jours) le vendeur m’a toujours répondu on parlait chaque jour. La perruque est bien, fidèle à la longueur mais le 250 densité on dirait un 180 densité. Je recommande, vendeur super gentil.
image - 0
31 Oct 2024
Très bonne qualité,le vendeur très bonne communication et rapide !
ja****00 - 2
14 Oct 2024
Très belle perruque, la longueur et courte pour du 30 pouce sinon rien a dire
zh***he - 3
13 Oct 2024
The texture or the hair is nice and soft but it look less fuller that it supposed to be. I ordered a 20 inch hair and 200% density. But the wig does not look like its 200%. Look like its 150 density but isn’t that bad. But the haire is nice and soft; look natural but just not long enough. Also its not 16x6 as it was supposed to be. There are not baby hair and i had to let my hair in the front to make look like there are baby hair. I’m a bit disappointed ; if I knee i would have pick the 13x4 and would pay less since there were no baby hair in the 16x6.
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Black, Brown

Informações do produto:
Processo de Tratamento: Mecanismo
Eficácia: natural e realista
Cor: preto, marrom, ouro claro, vinho tinto, cor piano, branco leitoso
Material do cabelo: fibra de alta temperatura
Cor de pele aplicável: qualquer cor de pele
Classificação de cores: 12 polegadas, 14 polegadas, 16 polegadas, 18 polegadas, 20 polegadas, 22 polegadas, 24 polegadas, 26 polegadas, 28 polegadas, 30 polegadas, 32 polegadas

Lista de embalagem:
Capa de peruca X1
Imagem do produto:
Title 1, Capa de cabeça de peruca longa encaracolada de ...Title 2, Capa de cabeça de peruca longa encaracolada de ...Title 3, Capa de cabeça de peruca longa encaracolada de ...Title 4, Capa de cabeça de peruca longa encaracolada de ...Title 5, Capa de cabeça de peruca longa encaracolada de ...
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7 reviews 7 verkopen

Capa de cabeça de peruca longa encaracolada de renda frontal 13x 4

Entrega editar Brazil

Color : Black

Light Gold
Piano Color
Wine Red

Color Classification : 12 Inch

12 Inch
14 Inch
16 Inch
18 Inch
20 Inch
22 Inch
24 Inch
26 Inch
28 Inch
30 Inch
32 Inch
Em estoque: 600
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Publicados: 17.11.2024 10:35 Em estoque: 600 18Visualizações

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